In-House Ministry
Worship Service
Our service is at 10 am and is a blended style of worship offered both in person and live online through YouTube, where past services can also be viewed. Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month or for special Holy celebrations. Nursery is provided. Communion First Presbyterian Church celebrates the Lord's Supper once a month, either on the first Sunday or a special liturgical day. All believers in Christ who wish to partake, are invited to share with us, regardless of age, denomination, or confirmation status. Online Ministry Our service is streamed live to YouTube every Sunday at 10 am. Past services are also available. Nursery A staffed nursery provides care for children up to the age of 3 during Sunday School and the worship service. Ask a Greeter or Usher for directions to the Nursery. Family Room Our family room is available off the narthex. It is a quiet room with comfortable furniture for use when you feel the need to take your child out of the sanctuary. There is a window to watch and speakers with volume control. A bathroom, changing pad, rocking chair and playpen are included. |
Children's Worship Bags Tote bags for children to use during the service are available in the narthex or from an Usher. The bag contains an activity page that helps young people connect to the theme of the service, fidget toys, crayons and a Worship Book which explains each part of the service to help reading children with worship participation. |
First Presbyterian Church
65 Washington Road Westminster, MD 21157 410-861-5600 [email protected] Sunday Service Time 10:00 am: In-Person and Virtual Worship Service |